Sarganserland-Werden icon


SwA SwissAnnoncen GmbH
100+ downloads

About Sarganserland-Werden

The emergency & information app for the electoral districts Rheintal, Sarganserland, Werdenberg in the canton of St. Gallen contains the most important emergency numbers and emergency services with a 24-hour on-call service. Furthermore, first aid instructions are available so that those seeking help can be helped quickly. Under the menu item "Nearby", important regional traders and service companies introduce themselves. Without them, this app would not exist. There is also a news ticker so that users of this app are always informed about what is currently happening in the region. We wish the users of this app good health and all the best! Note: The company SwA SwissAnnoncen GmbH does not have any official functions, but only provides official advice and information in connection with the published topics to users.
Emergency call and emergency services / Police / Kantonspolizei St, Gallen /
Nearby / local authorities: information from the relevant websites
News ticker: St. Gallen canton police / Twitter account

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