- Practice basic Math skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication & division with single digit numbers.
- Options to select your question levels.
- Option to select your answers or enter one instead.
- Option to try 2 minute drills.
- Questions displayed in random order.
- Detail results based on time taken to answer a question.
- Tables for addition, subtraction, multiplication & division.
First screen:
- Please select the questions you want to work with. Say you want to try addition with 0 & 1, then please check the box from row “Add” and column “0 & 1”.
- If you want to try addition with 0 to 9 then check the box (“0 to 9”) next to “Add”, this will check the rest of the boxes for you in this row.
- To try all, check "All" button from bottom row.
- To clear your selections, check "None" button from bottom row.
- Once your selection is done click the "Next" button.
- Questions are based on single digit addition, subtraction, multiplication & division using numbers from 0 to 9. Subtraction does not include negative answer questions.
Second Screen:
- "Show answer choices" option will give you three answer choices to select the answer from (Screen Four). If not checked you will have to enter the answer (Screen Three).
- “2 minute drill” lets you work for 2 minutes sessions. Session ends if 2 minutes passes or all your questions are asked, which ever happens first.
Third screen (if "Show answer choices" was not selected):
- Question will be displayed in random order and you have to type in your answer and click the “Done” button to submit your answer.
- To clear your answer click “Clear” button.
- Once answer is submitted you cannot recall it.
Fourth screen (if "Show answer choices" was selected):
- Question will be displayed in random order and you have to select the correct answer.
- Next question will be shown once you make a choice.
- Once answer is submitted you cannot recall it.
Fifth screen:
- It shows your results.
- Results are divided in: Oops (incorrect answers), Very Nice! (Answered in 2 seconds or less), Nice (Answered in 2 to 5 seconds or less), Almost there (Answered in 6 to 10 seconds), Need to work on (Took more than 10 seconds).
Sixth screen:
Add, Sub, Mul, Div tables for the questions asked.
Hope you will enjoy.
Your suggestions are welcomed.
- Options to select your question levels.
- Option to select your answers or enter one instead.
- Option to try 2 minute drills.
- Questions displayed in random order.
- Detail results based on time taken to answer a question.
- Tables for addition, subtraction, multiplication & division.
First screen:
- Please select the questions you want to work with. Say you want to try addition with 0 & 1, then please check the box from row “Add” and column “0 & 1”.
- If you want to try addition with 0 to 9 then check the box (“0 to 9”) next to “Add”, this will check the rest of the boxes for you in this row.
- To try all, check "All" button from bottom row.
- To clear your selections, check "None" button from bottom row.
- Once your selection is done click the "Next" button.
- Questions are based on single digit addition, subtraction, multiplication & division using numbers from 0 to 9. Subtraction does not include negative answer questions.
Second Screen:
- "Show answer choices" option will give you three answer choices to select the answer from (Screen Four). If not checked you will have to enter the answer (Screen Three).
- “2 minute drill” lets you work for 2 minutes sessions. Session ends if 2 minutes passes or all your questions are asked, which ever happens first.
Third screen (if "Show answer choices" was not selected):
- Question will be displayed in random order and you have to type in your answer and click the “Done” button to submit your answer.
- To clear your answer click “Clear” button.
- Once answer is submitted you cannot recall it.
Fourth screen (if "Show answer choices" was selected):
- Question will be displayed in random order and you have to select the correct answer.
- Next question will be shown once you make a choice.
- Once answer is submitted you cannot recall it.
Fifth screen:
- It shows your results.
- Results are divided in: Oops (incorrect answers), Very Nice! (Answered in 2 seconds or less), Nice (Answered in 2 to 5 seconds or less), Almost there (Answered in 6 to 10 seconds), Need to work on (Took more than 10 seconds).
Sixth screen:
Add, Sub, Mul, Div tables for the questions asked.
Hope you will enjoy.
Your suggestions are welcomed.
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