All the best e-books and audiobooks
The Saxo app is above all a streaming haven for book lovers. All the best e-books and audiobooks are available to you in the extensive streaming library. You will find something to suit all tastes — and every week, we add new books to the digital shelves!
With Saxo's app, you can:
- Discover your next book experience in the streaming library
- Save books for later on your own bookshelf
- Review books and read reviews from other readers like yourself
- Find and read digital books purchased on
- Sell your own used books (buyers can see them on
How to enter the app:
If you did some book shopping on before, you may already have a profile with us. And then you can log into Saxo app. If you don't have a Saxo profile yet, you can quickly create one within the app.
How to enter the streaming library
If you have a Saxo membership with streaming benefits (Saxo Premium, Saxo Streaming, Saxo Streaming 20 hours, or Saxo Studie), you have access to all e-books and audio books in the streaming library.
Don't have a membership yet? You can become a member on or through the app.
See terms and conditions for Saxo memberships:
Happy reading!
The Saxo app is above all a streaming haven for book lovers. All the best e-books and audiobooks are available to you in the extensive streaming library. You will find something to suit all tastes — and every week, we add new books to the digital shelves!
With Saxo's app, you can:
- Discover your next book experience in the streaming library
- Save books for later on your own bookshelf
- Review books and read reviews from other readers like yourself
- Find and read digital books purchased on
- Sell your own used books (buyers can see them on
How to enter the app:
If you did some book shopping on before, you may already have a profile with us. And then you can log into Saxo app. If you don't have a Saxo profile yet, you can quickly create one within the app.
How to enter the streaming library
If you have a Saxo membership with streaming benefits (Saxo Premium, Saxo Streaming, Saxo Streaming 20 hours, or Saxo Studie), you have access to all e-books and audio books in the streaming library.
Don't have a membership yet? You can become a member on or through the app.
See terms and conditions for Saxo memberships:
Happy reading!
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