Mae Menter Iaith Sir y Fflint yn cyflwyno: ap newydd i helpu disgyblion yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen i ddarllen Cymraeg.
Menter Iaith Sir y Fflint present: a new app to help pupils in the Foundation Phase to learn to read in Welsh
Dewch i ddarllen gyda Magi Ann, Pero, Tedi, Doli a Dicw
10 stori syml - Llyfrau bach Magi Ann - 10 easy stories
Darllenwch, gwrandewch a thapiwch eiriau unigol i glywed ynganiad ac i weld cyfieithiad
Read along, listen and tap individual words to hear pronunciation and to see a translation
Menter Iaith Sir y Fflint present: a new app to help pupils in the Foundation Phase to learn to read in Welsh
Dewch i ddarllen gyda Magi Ann, Pero, Tedi, Doli a Dicw
10 stori syml - Llyfrau bach Magi Ann - 10 easy stories
Darllenwch, gwrandewch a thapiwch eiriau unigol i glywed ynganiad ac i weld cyfieithiad
Read along, listen and tap individual words to hear pronunciation and to see a translation
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