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Scan Text To Voice -OCR,Conver

Vikas Chowdhury
4.2 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Scan Text To Voice -OCR,Conver

Scan Text To Voice & More is an innovative App curated to keep daily productivity and efficiency needs in mind.
This is easy to use App having features like Text recognition from images using its OCR capability. A user has options to either select image from his phone gallery or can click a new image. A user can add new notes also. A user can use the read note feature to read aloud note using his voice configuration. A user can also record notes and share them with other Apps for later use.
This App allows the user to download/view all his notes into one text file for speeding up his needs. Currently, we support English Language only and will add new languages as per user requirements.

Scan Text To Voice -OCR,Conver Screenshots