Warmachine & Hordes Army Creator
WHAC is an unofficial utility app released for WARMACHINE and HORDES.
The main functionalities of this application are "list building" and "battle".
The list building allows you to create armies for all Warmachine & Hordes factions, including Mercenaries, Minions, Themed forces ("Tier") and Contracts. All modifications to FA, cost, list restrictions supported by theme forces and contracts are fully functional.
WHAC simplifies the act of building army list :
- automatic association of jacks/beasts to casters, journeymen, marshal, ...
- automatic association of attachments (UA, WA, caster attachment)
- automatic cost calculation, FA check, restrictions (themed forces, contracts, ...)
- automatic inclusion of mercenaries/minions entries depending on base faction
- use specialists
- use theme forces and contracts
- simple and ergonomic list-building
The "Battle" allows you to directly monitor your game, using previously constructed army lists. It allows damage tracking (for warjacks, colossals, beasts, multi-HP units, ...).
Battle mode also includes a chronometer, automatic battle state save, 2-players mode (allowing to track both armies status at the same time).
Whac also include SteamRoller 2015 scenarios, maps and objectives.
List-building and Battle are fully functional in offline mode. WHAC does not need any registration or internet connection.
Please note that WHAC does not include card data, but supports importing data in XML format.
The base app is a free download and includes all the data needed to build army lists and track battle status (including : every model name, FA and Cost, damages grids/spirals, tiers/contracts restrictions and bonuses) from WARMACHINE and HORDES. It does NOT contain stats cards.
Every new release will include all currently released basic information (new models names, FA, Cost, damage grids, theme forces) for that game as well as new model updates for the life of the current rules set.
The latests models released in Reckoning (and some Hordes spoilers) have been added in V1.6.1.
check the web site for new features, FAQ, --> go to ...
functionalities resumed:
- create lists for warmachine & hordes, using theme forces (including bonuses and restrictions!) and specialists
- play battle, track damages (including jack, beasts, colossals, multi-HP)
- play battle with chronometer
- card library (needs importing data)
- save battle result, sort/export battle stats
- manage your mini collection, export collection
Note : the application is completely free. the "in-app purchases" mention is because you can use the google paying services to make donations. There are no Ads, no registering, no superfluous rights on your phone, no notifications and no tracking.
WHAC is an unofficial utility app released for WARMACHINE and HORDES.
The main functionalities of this application are "list building" and "battle".
The list building allows you to create armies for all Warmachine & Hordes factions, including Mercenaries, Minions, Themed forces ("Tier") and Contracts. All modifications to FA, cost, list restrictions supported by theme forces and contracts are fully functional.
WHAC simplifies the act of building army list :
- automatic association of jacks/beasts to casters, journeymen, marshal, ...
- automatic association of attachments (UA, WA, caster attachment)
- automatic cost calculation, FA check, restrictions (themed forces, contracts, ...)
- automatic inclusion of mercenaries/minions entries depending on base faction
- use specialists
- use theme forces and contracts
- simple and ergonomic list-building
The "Battle" allows you to directly monitor your game, using previously constructed army lists. It allows damage tracking (for warjacks, colossals, beasts, multi-HP units, ...).
Battle mode also includes a chronometer, automatic battle state save, 2-players mode (allowing to track both armies status at the same time).
Whac also include SteamRoller 2015 scenarios, maps and objectives.
List-building and Battle are fully functional in offline mode. WHAC does not need any registration or internet connection.
Please note that WHAC does not include card data, but supports importing data in XML format.
The base app is a free download and includes all the data needed to build army lists and track battle status (including : every model name, FA and Cost, damages grids/spirals, tiers/contracts restrictions and bonuses) from WARMACHINE and HORDES. It does NOT contain stats cards.
Every new release will include all currently released basic information (new models names, FA, Cost, damage grids, theme forces) for that game as well as new model updates for the life of the current rules set.
The latests models released in Reckoning (and some Hordes spoilers) have been added in V1.6.1.
check the web site for new features, FAQ, --> go to ...
functionalities resumed:
- create lists for warmachine & hordes, using theme forces (including bonuses and restrictions!) and specialists
- play battle, track damages (including jack, beasts, colossals, multi-HP)
- play battle with chronometer
- card library (needs importing data)
- save battle result, sort/export battle stats
- manage your mini collection, export collection
Note : the application is completely free. the "in-app purchases" mention is because you can use the google paying services to make donations. There are no Ads, no registering, no superfluous rights on your phone, no notifications and no tracking.
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