"Junction Hasharon Herzliya" is the application of a local newspaper seller, popular and oldest. Since its founding the newspaper he keeps his place as a communications researcher, in-depth and involved in dealing with all aspects of life in Herzliya and the environment. Web site works in conjunction with the newspaper to bring users updated content in real time all the news industry - the environment, education, health, real estate, infrastructure, crime, transport, culture and sport. It also deals with the gossip site, the events of leisure and consumerism and provide the reader opinion pieces , personal columns, special sections and recommendations.
We believe in Herzliya needed coverage around the clock. We will do everything possible to stream the information to you and to you in without delay. That are deposited manuscripts and editors "Junction Hasharon Herzliya" do it very professionally and for the city and its residents.
We believe in Herzliya needed coverage around the clock. We will do everything possible to stream the information to you and to you in without delay. That are deposited manuscripts and editors "Junction Hasharon Herzliya" do it very professionally and for the city and its residents.
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