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Reference Generator

Screech Studios
3.6 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Reference Generator

Need help constructing, organizing and managing your academic citations or references? Look no further!
Reference Generator is designed to simplify the often tedious task of constructing and managing academic references. It currently supports books, journals and websites and allows users to build references, convert them to the required style and even view in-text examples.
It supports a wide array of referencing styles, including: Harvard, Numeric, MHRA, APA, Chicago, IEEE and Royal Society of Chemistry.
Alongside the manual data entry, the application features a built-in barcode scanner, which allows users to simply scan a book’s barcode or introduce its ISBN in order to retrieve all the relevant information.
References are organised in projects and can be copied or shared through a wide range of apps (Email, Messages, Notes, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, Google+, etc.) so you can easily continue your work anywhere.

Reference Generator Screenshots