Search by image : lens Finder icon

Search by image : lens Finder

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About Search by image : lens Finder

Image Search is a reverse image search engine for lens to find visually similar images through your phone camera/gallery & provides internet search results for visually similar pictures on internet. Can be used for quick image search to instantly capture & search photos through camera. Can be used to detect objects by AI Object tracker/classifier & multiple object detection and labeling. Shows relevant image and voice search across internet. Smart text recognizer to convert image into text and allows user to edit, save and share text results.
Why Image Search?
Smart photo search app to provide internet search results for finding related/similar images. Mobile visual search photos by capturing instant pictures and get relevant image search. Common reverse image search through multi search engine for fast & accurate results. Realtime object detection camera to classify variety of objects in an image captured from camera or can be uploaded from gallery. Smart text recognizer for extracting text from an image and creates a document of text for the user to share, save or edit. QR/Bar code reader for automatic decoding, user is provided with option to search on internet. You can use QR & barcode reader to scan coupons codes for receiving discounts, to compare prices online and much more. Smart voice search assistant allows you to search by voice. Accurate speak to your mic and start searching easier, faster and smarter.
Reverse Image Search
• Image search by camera/gallery
• View visually similarly images on internet
• Visual search engine
• Smart Image search
• Crop, rotate and flip images
Object Detection
• Realtime object detection & tracking
• Detect object’s name and show it to the user
Image to Text Convert:
• OCR Image text Scanner
• Share, edit & save text files
QR code Scanner
• QR and barcode reader
• Easy to use
• Generate QR codes
Voice Search
• Voice search assistant
• Web search by voice
• Smart voice-controlled searches

1. Storage permission is required to pick image from gallery to detect text or find related images.
2. Camera permission is required to scan QR code.

Search by image : lens Finder Screenshots