Lightweight easy-to-use application.
Calculate duration between two dates.
This application calculates the duration, counting the day count and the number of days, months and years between two dates.
Simply enter the start date and end date, to find how many days, months and years between the dates. Alternatively enter a start date and the number of years, months, weeks and days you wish to add or subtract to find the target date. With this calculator you can find your age, day of the week your birthday...
Calculate duration between two dates.
This application calculates the duration, counting the day count and the number of days, months and years between two dates.
Simply enter the start date and end date, to find how many days, months and years between the dates. Alternatively enter a start date and the number of years, months, weeks and days you wish to add or subtract to find the target date. With this calculator you can find your age, day of the week your birthday...
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