My Amana is the online gateway to your Amanacard profile, where you can:
* Check your balance and transactions
* Upload your personal files to protect them and gain any-time access
* Update your contact information
* Share your feedback on how to develop the app further
* Receive important, live updates
* Access direct support
Please report all issues through the app.
New to Amana? We are a global team committed to keeping the lifeline open to unsung heroes on the frontline. Our platform (SecureAid) tracks the sending and spending of donations for families, paid workers and businesses in crisis zones where formal financial services are unavailable. The My Amana app is available to all Amanacard members registered on the platform. Log in using your Amanacard and special passcode, and you will be able to track your account activity, communicate directly with those who support you, and store personal information you want to keep safe.
If you do not have an account with us and wish to donate to an Amanacard member, please contact the charities we work with, or give directly through [coming soon!]. In the meantime, watch for updates on our websites: and
* Check your balance and transactions
* Upload your personal files to protect them and gain any-time access
* Update your contact information
* Share your feedback on how to develop the app further
* Receive important, live updates
* Access direct support
Please report all issues through the app.
New to Amana? We are a global team committed to keeping the lifeline open to unsung heroes on the frontline. Our platform (SecureAid) tracks the sending and spending of donations for families, paid workers and businesses in crisis zones where formal financial services are unavailable. The My Amana app is available to all Amanacard members registered on the platform. Log in using your Amanacard and special passcode, and you will be able to track your account activity, communicate directly with those who support you, and store personal information you want to keep safe.
If you do not have an account with us and wish to donate to an Amanacard member, please contact the charities we work with, or give directly through [coming soon!]. In the meantime, watch for updates on our websites: and
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