설탭 - 내 태블릿 속 서울대 과외 icon

설탭 - 내 태블릿 속 서울대 과외

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About 설탭 - 내 태블릿 속 서울대 과외

Self-directed learning habits created with SKY teachers
All care from school entrance exam to entrance exam with seoltap!

- 1:1 non-face-to-face tutoring with SKY teachers
The teacher who is perfect for me conducts classes with a customized curriculum and learning method.
During tutoring, you can ask questions to the teacher about textbooks you don't know or problems you have posted, and study together.

-Studying 12,000 past questions in the seoltab
You can study the secret of reversing your grades and past problems with one touch on the Seol tab.
If you have any questions, you can ask and understand right away through the teacher and tutoring.

- Studying 117 textbooks in seoltab
Do you still carry heavy textbooks?
With SeolTap, you can complete everything from textbook preparation to review with the teacher at once!

- With smart tutoring, grades rise three times faster.
You can listen to smart lectures anytime, anywhere,
With a smart workbook that is automatically scored, you can do your homework and review.

- Seoltab social media account
Facebook/Insta: @seoltab

설탭 - 내 태블릿 속 서울대 과외 Screenshots