Predrag Katanić
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PROJECT IPA 2012 "Establishment of an integrated environmental monitoring system for air and water quality" part of the "Supply of ICT equipment and software for Air Quality Monitoring System" has as its main aim is to enable the competent national institution, the Agency for Environmental Protection, collect, update and processing results of the automatic air quality monitoring from the national network of automatic measuring stations for air quality for reporting at national and EU level. The project also aims to provide the public presentation of the results of automatic air quality monitoring, in real time, from state and local networks in Vojvodina, Pancevo and Belgrade. In addition to the Agency, as the end user, the project involved the Provincial Secretariat for Urban Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection, Novi Sad, Secretariat for Environmental Protection of the City of Pancevo and the City Institute of Public Health of Belgrade. The project was implemented as a distributed system with a central server at the Agency for Environmental Protection and relevant links with centers of existing local networks in Novi Sad, Pancevo and Belgrade.

The legal basis for air quality in the Republic of Serbia is regulated by the existing local regulations. The umbrella law is the Law on Air Protection ( "Sl. Gl. RS" no. 36/09 and 10/13). Its provisions, in the field of monitoring and assessment of air quality, specify the bylaws: Regulation on conditions and requirements for monitoring air quality ( "Sl. Gl. RS" No.11 / 10, 75/10 and 63/13), Regulation on the establishment air quality control program in the state network ( "Sl. gl. RS" no. 58/11), Regulation on the establishment of zones and agglomerations ( "Sl. gl. RS" no. 58/11 and 98/12).

The mandate of the Agency monitors the air quality in the state network, in accordance with Art. 13. Law on Air Protection. The Agency shall prepare and publish an annual report on the state of air quality in the Republic of Serbia in accordance with Art. 67 Law on Air Protection.

The establishment of the State Transport System for automatic monitoring of air quality, the Agency for Environmental Protection is the first stop for the automatic monitoring of air quality set by the end of 2006 in Smederevo and Bor. Resolution of the Government of the Republic of 30.08.2008 the Agency for Environmental Protection is designated as responsible for business managing the establishment and functioning of the operating system for automatic monitoring of air quality in the Republic of Serbia. The main impulse to the establishment of a national automatic monitoring of air quality in the Republic of Serbia gave the CARDS project "SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENT FOR AIR QUALITY MONITORING". This EU project has donated equipment to 28 metering stations, calibration laboratory, analytical laboratoruju, one mobile station and one vehicle. Preparatory activities and most of the project was implemented in the period 2008-2010, and ended in 2011. In addition to the Agency for Environmental Protection crucial support project activities gave the Fund for Environmental Protection. The Fund has funded the preparation of locations for automatic stations, participated in the upgrading of laboratories for air quality and financed the purchase of equipment for the installation of automatic stations at locations of interest that were not included in the donation. The total financial support of the Fund for Environmental Protection is comparable to the EU donation.