This is the audio version of the Islamic Science books written by Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba, the guide to the Mourides, which are translated and explained in Wolof by Serigne Abdou Rahmane Mbacké.
- Tasawudu Sighaar
- Tasawudu Chuban
- Diawharun Nafiis
- Nahju Qadaa Il Haj
- Mounawwirous Soudor
- Moulayyinous Soudor
- Mawahibul Xudoss
- Masaalikul Jinaan
- Addinou Annasihatou...
- Tasawudu Sighaar
- Tasawudu Chuban
- Diawharun Nafiis
- Nahju Qadaa Il Haj
- Mounawwirous Soudor
- Moulayyinous Soudor
- Mawahibul Xudoss
- Masaalikul Jinaan
- Addinou Annasihatou...
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