یول تاپ | YOLTOP icon

یول تاپ | YOLTOP

100+ downloads

About یول تاپ | YOLTOP

If you're looking for a specific store and don't know where?
If you are looking for a good club for sports?
If you're in a hurry to find the nearest mall?
If you want to know which stores are in this shopping mall?
If you are looking for a doctor or the nearest clinic?
If you're looking for a good restaurant to spend a memorable time with your friends?
If you are looking for a bakery, pharmacy, bus stop, fuel station, tailor-made, currency exchange, mosque, restroom, etc.? If you find it and don't know how to get there faster?
If you are not sure if it is open after a long journey to the destination? Or do you want to know beforehand how long it's working? Are Fridays open or not? Where is the nearest clinic, pharmacy, repair shop and ... boarding house?
... we suggest installing a lowercase, because it can help you find your way!

... Or

If you are not satisfied with your business and card status? Or are you just starting out with the card and want to introduce the business to many?
If you're looking for a classmate to interact with, get a bad deal, get a deal?
If you want to increase your sales?
If you only want to send a promotional message or collaboration opportunity to a certain group of people, be sure to get it!
What if SMS ads don't work or cost-effective and you're looking for a place to introduce your business on a board?
If so, we suggest installing a lowercase, as it can help you find the path to your business success!

Find your way with Yulep!

یول تاپ | YOLTOP Screenshots