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Kirtan Thakkar
100+ downloads

About ShareAndSplit

ShareAndSplit will help you manage your shared expenses. So that you can keep track of your expenses and settle them quickly with your friends.

Going on a trip with friends or just going for a casual dinner. ShareAndSplit will help you split your expenses, so that you can settle with your friends quickly and easily. We calculate the best possible settlements which minimizes your no of settlements. So with minimum no of payments to your friends, everyone gets back their money. No round payments between your friends.

Get Insights with charts - Know yours and total spending. Spending and Payer chart will help you understand who spends and pays how much.

Know everyone's balance - See who is settled and who is not. Know everyone's current balance in an event.

Search through your expenses - It's easy to find your expenses. You can search through all your expenses of an event to find that old important expense.

Download ShareAndSplit and start sharing your group expenses with friends.

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