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Scientific Calculator

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About Scientific Calculator

CalcTastic is a high-precision, feature-rich scientific calculator with years of refinement and thousands of satisfied users. Choose from 5 different themes, a configurable display and your choice of operation, Algebraic or RPN.

CalcTastic is FREE but comes with many great features including a Unit Converter, Fractions, Complex Numbers, Advanced Statistics, History & Memory Registers and a full-online Help Section.

If you find CalcTastic Scientific Calculator useful, consider the PLUS version ($3 USD). The PLUS version also includes Polar-Form Complex Numbers, 7 Additional Themes and a Full-Featured Programmers Calculator.


- High Internal Precision
- Two Algebraic Modes with Editable Equations
- Two RPN Modes with up to 50 Stack Registers
- A Basic Mode with all the Essentials
- Calculation History with 50 Records
- Memory with 10 Registers
- 5 High-Quality Themes
- Copy and Paste
- Configurable Numeric Display (Decimal and Grouping)
- Easier to use than many other Calculator Apps
- Quicker than locating your Casio & HP Calculator (11C / 15C)

- Rectangular Form Complex Number Support
- Real, Imaginary, Magnitude, Argument and Conjugate Functions
- Fractions and Fraction Calculations
- Convert Decimals to Fractions
- Degree, Minute, Second Support
- Standard, Scientific, Engineering and Fixed Decimal Notations
- Configurable Display Precision from 0 - 12 digits
- Table of 44 Physical Constants
- 289 different conversion units across 18 categories
- Trig functions in Degrees, Radians or Grads
- Hyperbolic Trig functions
- Natural and Base-10 Logarithms
- Percent and Delta Percentage
- Remainder, Absolute, Ceiling and Floor operations

- Factorial
- Combinations and Permutations
- Random Number Generator
- 15 Single-Variable Statistics
- Quantity, Min, Max, Range, Sum, Median
- Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean, Mean Squared
- Sum Squared, Sum of Squares of Variance
- Sample Variance, Sample Standard Deviation
- Population Variance, Population Standard Deviation

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