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Dimitra Giokrousi
10,000+ downloads

About Shedevrum

Can you tell the difference between paintings created by a talented artist and those created by artificial intelligence, that is, a neural network? The Shedevrum app will change the way you think about creativity. Create a unique spelling or copy a quote from your favorite book and enjoy the result.
Did you know that the point of view of artists, directors and animators does not always coincide with how the writer sees his character? With Shedevrum online you will see this world through completely different eyes - through the eyes of an accurate and impartial computer with great capabilities. Enter text and enjoy the result!
About the application
Shedevrum beta is a pilot version of the application, which is currently in the testing phase. Each of you has a unique opportunity to become a part of a big project. By performing different tasks, you train the neural network. The task of the developer is to release the final product - the Shedevrum neural network, correcting all technical errors and shortcomings at the testing stage.
Application benefits:
• Stable operation of the application.
• Involvement in product development.
• The ability to post publications and evaluate the publications of other users of the neural network with pictures.
• The ability to test a new app among the first.
• Huge amount of entertaining content.
During the testing phase, only a limited number of users can access the application. The rest will be able to join the online neural network project only after the launch of the final version.
After downloading the application, you will be able to fill out a questionnaire. Perhaps it is you who will join the ranks of testers and get access to the full functionality of the neural network with a photo in the very near future.
Features of this version
Shedevrum for Android is more than just an app for your smartphone. On the one hand, you will be able to create unique paintings yourself, on the other hand, this is a full-fledged platform for communication with other users. Create your own masterpieces, see the results of other users, put reactions and chat in Shedevrum. Creativity brings you closer!
Who will love this app?
This application will certainly appeal to those who want to have fun, relax, have a good time, chat, and also make a portrait of their favorite character in a book, movie or cartoon, in accordance with its description. Yes, in front of you is a neural network with text.
How to work with the application?
Anyone can use the app. To form an image, the computer needs a detailed (or not so detailed) description of the picture.
An example of a description for the Shedevrum neural network: a red-haired boy with blue eyes walks through a magical forest and collects red berries in a basket. If you want to create an image in a certain style, just indicate it at the end of the description.
Information about Shedevrum is presented for information only, is not a public offer and is true at the time of its publication.

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