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ShoofDoctor - شوف دكتور

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About ShoofDoctor - شوف دكتور

Whether you need to find best Lab or Scans for your tests, or Consult a Doctor about your test results, ShoofDoctor is where it all providers collaborate to get you best treatment.

Without the hassle of the waiting rooms, reserve and connect with physicians and doctoral-level therapists over live video. Just like an in-person visit, your doctor will take your history and symptoms, then will examine you and leave a Prescription and report.

If necessary, the doctor will refer you to a Lab for a Test or a Radiology Center for a scan. Don't worry, they're there as well to make reservations and upload reports to your Electronic Health Records for the doctor to see next time.

Some of examples of specialties of our doctors:
- Psychiatry طب نفسي
- Dermatology جلدية
- Internal Medicine باطنة
- Cardiovascular disease قلب وأوعية دموية
- Orthopedics and Joints عظام ومفاصل
- Diet and Nutrition تخسيس وتغذية
- Plastic Surgery جراحة تجميل
- Primary Care طب عام
- Ear Nose and Throat أنف وأذن وحنجرة
- etc

Along with reserving and connecting with doctors, you can book a lab test or scan with just a simple click of a button.

Some examples of the available lab tests :
- Culture & Sensitivity
- Cholesterol
- Tumor Markers
- Hematology
- Hormones
- Urine & Stool
- Liver Function

Some examples of the available scan options :
- Ultrasound
- X-Ray
- Color Doppler
- CT Scans
- Genito-Urinary Tract
- ECG-EEG-Myography

How much do doctors video consult cost?

Each doctor sets his/her price. You can check it out in their pages before you pay to reserve. Payment is with Vodafone cash, Aman kiosks, or credit cards.

How do I pay for lab or scan tests?

All lab or scan related payments are done in-person before or after your appointment, depending on the facility’s guidelines.

Can I cancel a lab or scan appointment?


Can my other family members use this too?

Our doctors can help your entire family - including kids. You have to make one account (always FOR FREE) for each one. Each account hold all the medical files and reports for only one Patient.

Is live-video good for consults with doctors?

Science call it Telemedicine طب عن بُعد and it's now official in most of the world, taught in Medicine schools and Governments are adopting it.

The ShoofDoctor App service is currently available in Egypt.

ShoofDoctor - شوف دكتور Screenshots