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Shot On Oppo Watermark Camera

Auto shot on stamp apps
4.6 out of 5
500,000+ downloads

About Shot On Oppo Watermark Camera

All types of Oppo Phone users! Here is an Application primarily made for you to auto add stamps to your Camera as well as Gallery photos, in case you forget to add stamps earlier while clicking, One application is there to assist you in multiple ways.

To add stamps, You just have to download the Application, then add the inputs that you want to get stamped on your every Photo. This Application will make your every picture stamped automatically along with capturing.

Watermark stamp of Shot On & Shot By for Oppo gives users a scope to make people know about the phone and a person in short. It’s so good that you can add personalized stamps to your photos where camera watermark is also available.

How to use Shot On Oppo: Watermark for Camera & Gallery Photo?

Just download this Shot On stamp for Oppo app. After installation, Open the Shot On Oppo: Watermark for camera & Gallery Photo app, go to ShotOn stamp settings and change the settings according to your needs. You can choose the ShotOn for Oppo logo, Shot On, Shot By, stamp position and size.

Click on Shot On stamp for Oppo Custom Camera to capture a new pic from Shot On Custom Camera or add watermark to photo stored in your gallery photo by selecting Gallery option.

Why should you prefer Our Shot On Oppo: Watermark for Camera and Gallery Photo Application?

Shot On Oppo: Watermark for Camera and Gallery Photos Application helps to auto add Shot On and Shot By stamps to your camera photo and it also adds stamps to gallery photos. You can put customized as well as copyright logo and can also add date & timestamp to your photos.

• With ShotOn stamp for Oppo custom camera, explore your photography talent from the Shot On application itself
• 2 in 1 Shot On for Oppo stamp camera and gallery
• Editable Shot On and Shot By personalized stamps
• Add ShotOn watermark stamp to multiple gallery photographs at the same time
• Shot On Stamp for Oppo is easy to use by changing the settings, you can include "Shot On" and "Shot By" watermark on photo.
• Adjust the logo position on the Left or on Top in context to 'Shot On' and 'Shot By' custom stamps
• Adjustable Font Style and Color
• Add company logo of your choice as you can select custom Logo easily
• Place the watermark stamp to the position you prefer the most
• Different types of font styles available in the custom stamps ShotOn application
• Attractive color for your logo and signature stamp
• Add Shot On tag like ShotOn Oppo F15 and many others like ShotOn Oppo A5, Oppo A9, Oppo F11 Pro, Oppo a37 and like ways.

Feel free to download and check all the features on your own, as it’s absolutely free. Check and make the best use out of it. Not only to show off to the world, but also to make your past memories strong by having stamped images, where you can also add Date & TimeStamp to photo.

NOTE: Please make sure that the Application is not removed by any Cleaner from the background for Error-Free Auto Stamping!

This app uses third party APIs & SDKs which collect information. It is in no way affiliated by Oppo.

Shot On Oppo Watermark Camera Screenshots