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Deck Builder for Netrunner

ANR Digital
4.5 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Deck Builder for Netrunner

- Searchable card browser
- Filter cards shown to the packs you own
- Set a custom card pool for each deck
- View all the cards in your deck in fullscreen mode
- Cache all images for offline viewing
- Import / export to OCTGN (.o8d) files (phone compatibility varies - may require the use of third-party file manager)
- Includes MWL validation
- Download card and mwl data updates from options page.
- Supports all Nisei formats :
Note: default format is Standard, which obeys ROTATION. If you can't find your packs try Snapshot or Eternal. There is a preference for default format

- Internet: Download cards and images
- Read External Storage: Required to import deck file

This is an OPEN SOURCE project:
Please send feature requests and bugs to
Visit to log issues or get coding!

Deck Builder for Netrunner Screenshots