Stoic Quotes app is a gateway for the people who want to understand the deeper meaning of life. This app is for those who want to see the life through the lenses of the great philosophers of the past.
Zeno of Citium in Athens is the father of Stoicism. It was founded in the early 3rd century BC by him. Later the stoic philosophy was developed by other great thinkers of all times like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus and many others. This philosophy was designed to make people more resilient, happier, more virtuous and wiser as it is based on four virtues like courage, temperance, justice and wisdom.
Reading the philosophical quotes of these great thinkers would guide anybody to inculcate these virtues in his/her life. These quotes are meant for changing lives. These will transform the thinking process of life. The Stoic values are essential in life. Once Marcus Aurelius said, “If, at some point in your life, you should come across anything better than justice, truth, self-control, courage – it must be an extraordinary thing indeed.” It was said almost 20 centuries ago. People have invented a lot of things but people did not find anything better than these values.
The world is changing fast with myriad of inventions everyday but these values are eroding gradually. Under these circumstances, values and virtues are most essential in life. Stoic quotes can play a pivotal role here for all to ponder one second what life is.
Stoic Quotes app is an attempt to present the philosophy of life through the eyes of the great philosophical thinkers. A user would find this app as a guide whenever he/she needs any guidelines in life through these great men of all times.
Features of Stoic Quotes app:
This app is user friendly and time saving, easy to download, requires minimum space for download. It is a free app and user can quickly move from one quote to another quote. You can also copy and share any quote you like. The app contains several hundreds stoic quotes under different segments like ambition, anger, adversity, anxiety, courage, control, desire, death, friendship, happiness, life, lover, leadership, meditation, patience, power, success, time, wealth, etc.
Just tap your topic and get the stoic lines to look at life in a new way.
Zeno of Citium in Athens is the father of Stoicism. It was founded in the early 3rd century BC by him. Later the stoic philosophy was developed by other great thinkers of all times like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus and many others. This philosophy was designed to make people more resilient, happier, more virtuous and wiser as it is based on four virtues like courage, temperance, justice and wisdom.
Reading the philosophical quotes of these great thinkers would guide anybody to inculcate these virtues in his/her life. These quotes are meant for changing lives. These will transform the thinking process of life. The Stoic values are essential in life. Once Marcus Aurelius said, “If, at some point in your life, you should come across anything better than justice, truth, self-control, courage – it must be an extraordinary thing indeed.” It was said almost 20 centuries ago. People have invented a lot of things but people did not find anything better than these values.
The world is changing fast with myriad of inventions everyday but these values are eroding gradually. Under these circumstances, values and virtues are most essential in life. Stoic quotes can play a pivotal role here for all to ponder one second what life is.
Stoic Quotes app is an attempt to present the philosophy of life through the eyes of the great philosophical thinkers. A user would find this app as a guide whenever he/she needs any guidelines in life through these great men of all times.
Features of Stoic Quotes app:
This app is user friendly and time saving, easy to download, requires minimum space for download. It is a free app and user can quickly move from one quote to another quote. You can also copy and share any quote you like. The app contains several hundreds stoic quotes under different segments like ambition, anger, adversity, anxiety, courage, control, desire, death, friendship, happiness, life, lover, leadership, meditation, patience, power, success, time, wealth, etc.
Just tap your topic and get the stoic lines to look at life in a new way.
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