With this application you can quickly view the size and occupancy status of all your phone's memory: RAM, system, internal, sdcard, OTG ...
Besides clicking on each memory you can do quick searches of large files to free up space in a jiffy. They will be ordered by size from largest to smallest. A click on a file opens it, and a long press on a file allows you to delete it.
But the great functionality of this application is that you can set alerts for each type of memory so that when you have less than 10% free space alert you with a notification. In this way you can solve your space problems before it is too late.
This application has no advertising.
Besides clicking on each memory you can do quick searches of large files to free up space in a jiffy. They will be ordered by size from largest to smallest. A click on a file opens it, and a long press on a file allows you to delete it.
But the great functionality of this application is that you can set alerts for each type of memory so that when you have less than 10% free space alert you with a notification. In this way you can solve your space problems before it is too late.
This application has no advertising.
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