SiinPay wuxuu bixiyaa hab sifiican oo sahlan si aad u hesho iyo u bixiso qaansheegashada adoo isticmaalaya app mobile. La xiriir xarunta adeega macaamiisha SiinPay si aad u abuurto koonto SiinPay ka dibna bilaw inaad ka hesho qaansheegadkaaga ganacsiyada kaqeybgalayaasha.
Ma jiro wax lacag ah oo lagu bixinayo qaansheegashadaada. Waa adeeg bilaash ah. Waxaad u baahan doontaa inaad haysato lambar taleefan oo sax ah oo caddaynaya aqoonsigaaga (liisanka darawalnimada, baasaboor iwm), si aad u abuurto koonto SiinPay.
SiinPay provides a fast and easy way to receive and pay your invoices using mobile app. Contact the SiinPay customer service center to create an siinpay account and then start to receive your invoices from participating businesses.
There is no fee for paying your invoices. It is a free service. You will need to have a valid phone number and verify your ID (driver license, passport etc.,) to create an siinpay account.
Ma jiro wax lacag ah oo lagu bixinayo qaansheegashadaada. Waa adeeg bilaash ah. Waxaad u baahan doontaa inaad haysato lambar taleefan oo sax ah oo caddaynaya aqoonsigaaga (liisanka darawalnimada, baasaboor iwm), si aad u abuurto koonto SiinPay.
SiinPay provides a fast and easy way to receive and pay your invoices using mobile app. Contact the SiinPay customer service center to create an siinpay account and then start to receive your invoices from participating businesses.
There is no fee for paying your invoices. It is a free service. You will need to have a valid phone number and verify your ID (driver license, passport etc.,) to create an siinpay account.
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