Quote Studio is the best quote maker. Quote studio let’s you browse through different quotes written by world best personalities. Browse through different quote categories. Read best quotes of different categories.
Add text on pictures,
Create lovely quotes and send it to your loved one over different social media channel. Share quote in text and picture format.
Create daily motivational, love, inspirational quotes.
Create your own motivational, inspirational text. Write your own emotions with beautiful backgrounds.
Browse through following categories.
1. Friendship
2. Motivational
3. Life
4. Happiness
5. Love
More coming soon!!
Quote Studio Features:
1. Change Background, Lots of internal backgrounds, you can also take from your storage.
2. Adjust text size.
3. Change text color
4. Change text shadow color
5. Change text font (Multiple fonts are available)
6. Adjust text alignment
Add text on pictures,
Create lovely quotes and send it to your loved one over different social media channel. Share quote in text and picture format.
Create daily motivational, love, inspirational quotes.
Create your own motivational, inspirational text. Write your own emotions with beautiful backgrounds.
Browse through following categories.
1. Friendship
2. Motivational
3. Life
4. Happiness
5. Love
More coming soon!!
Quote Studio Features:
1. Change Background, Lots of internal backgrounds, you can also take from your storage.
2. Adjust text size.
3. Change text color
4. Change text shadow color
5. Change text font (Multiple fonts are available)
6. Adjust text alignment
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