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Simmons Bank

Simmons Bank
4.7 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Simmons Bank

Get ready for a better mobile banking experience with Simmons Bank. Enhanced speed, security and customization are just some of the amazing new features that empower you with the tools you need to manage your finances.

Additional features:

• Increased power for more features

• Connect accounts with other institutions for better insight into your money

• Customizable dashboard so you can see what’s important to you, including transactions, mobile deposits, payments, transfers and more

• Keep transactions organized by adding tags, notes and photos of receipts and checks
• Set up alerts so you know when your balance drops below a certain amount
• Make payments, whether you’re paying a company or a friend
• Transfer money between your accounts
• Deposit checks in a snap by taking a picture of the front and back
• View and save your monthly statements
• Find branches and ATMs near you

Secure your account with a 4-digit passcode and fingerprint or face reader on supported devices.

To use the Simmons Bank Mobile app, you must be enrolled as a Simmons Bank Online Banking user. If you currently use our Online Banking, simply download the app, launch it, and login with the same Online Banking credentials.

Simmons Bank Screenshots