Know the price of electricity in the free market according to the rate you have contracted and do not get surprises in the next bill.
Will it be the best for me? Compare your rate in the free market with the regulated market PVPC
IMPORTANT: If you renewed your contract or have registered in the free market after April 26, 2022, to the price of your contract you must add the cost of gas compensation due to the so-called 'Iberian exception' or cap to the gas. This measure will foreseeably be in force until December 31, 2023.
Check with your retailer to confirm that this provisional surcharge will be applied depending on the time of consumption. 80% of free market customers are in one of these main trading companies: Endesa Energía, Iberdrola Clientes, Naturgy Iberia, TotalEnergies, Repsol Electricidad y Gas.
If, on the other hand, you are in the regulated market (PVPC 2.0 TD rate), or you are in the free market but have an indexed contract, you can download our 'Save on electricity' app, the one with the yellow bulb, by clicking on this link:
Want to save money on your next electricity bill the easy way?
‘Save on Light. Mercado Libre' is a simple and very easy to use application that shows the price of the kilowatt hour by adding to the price of your contract the variable price of the extra cost that your marketer will foreseeably apply until December 31, 2023 due to compensation for the gas cap (Iberian exception)
With this free information you will be able to anticipate and plan the use of the appliances that consume the most energy and save on your next bill from this moment without unpleasant surprises.
It is already possible to control the use of energy and pay less for electricity thanks to 'Ahorra en Luz. Mercado libre' and it is also totally free.
This app, in addition to reporting the price of electricity, educates the user to make responsible use of energy.
Simpler is impossible:
❶ Indicate the prices of your contract (fixed price, hourly discrimination of 3 periods or by personalized hourly sections)
❷ Select your area: Peninsula, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla
❸ Check the summary with the current situation at a glance.
❹ Mark the hours you want the application to notify you or simply check the hourly price or view the graph.
★ Prices are arranged in the form of a graph or list.
★ They can be known one day in advance so you can plan, they will be available from 8:30 p.m.
★ You will be able to see the price evolution of the last 30 days and its trend
★ You will have at your disposal in the 'Saving tips' section some simple tips to save, on which household appliances you should act, and why
★ Includes a small calculator to find out if it is worth replacing a conventional light bulb with an LED one
★ Widget with current price and next cheapest hour
★ Section What time do I put it?. To save the most
★ If you change your contract, change very easily to your new prices
★ Alarms that can be programmed to 'Save on Light. Free market' let us know
Have you renewed your contract or have you switched to the free market and have not reduced the amount of your electricity bill? Remember that thanks to 'Ahorra en Luz. Mercado Libre' and with very little effort you can save on your next electricity bill. Information is power, don't get a surprise on your next bill.
simple4droid has no relationship or affiliation with Red Eléctrica de España or with any marketer, we limit ourselves to displaying the information for public use published daily by REE.
The source of said information is:
Will it be the best for me? Compare your rate in the free market with the regulated market PVPC
IMPORTANT: If you renewed your contract or have registered in the free market after April 26, 2022, to the price of your contract you must add the cost of gas compensation due to the so-called 'Iberian exception' or cap to the gas. This measure will foreseeably be in force until December 31, 2023.
Check with your retailer to confirm that this provisional surcharge will be applied depending on the time of consumption. 80% of free market customers are in one of these main trading companies: Endesa Energía, Iberdrola Clientes, Naturgy Iberia, TotalEnergies, Repsol Electricidad y Gas.
If, on the other hand, you are in the regulated market (PVPC 2.0 TD rate), or you are in the free market but have an indexed contract, you can download our 'Save on electricity' app, the one with the yellow bulb, by clicking on this link:
Want to save money on your next electricity bill the easy way?
‘Save on Light. Mercado Libre' is a simple and very easy to use application that shows the price of the kilowatt hour by adding to the price of your contract the variable price of the extra cost that your marketer will foreseeably apply until December 31, 2023 due to compensation for the gas cap (Iberian exception)
With this free information you will be able to anticipate and plan the use of the appliances that consume the most energy and save on your next bill from this moment without unpleasant surprises.
It is already possible to control the use of energy and pay less for electricity thanks to 'Ahorra en Luz. Mercado libre' and it is also totally free.
This app, in addition to reporting the price of electricity, educates the user to make responsible use of energy.
Simpler is impossible:
❶ Indicate the prices of your contract (fixed price, hourly discrimination of 3 periods or by personalized hourly sections)
❷ Select your area: Peninsula, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla
❸ Check the summary with the current situation at a glance.
❹ Mark the hours you want the application to notify you or simply check the hourly price or view the graph.
★ Prices are arranged in the form of a graph or list.
★ They can be known one day in advance so you can plan, they will be available from 8:30 p.m.
★ You will be able to see the price evolution of the last 30 days and its trend
★ You will have at your disposal in the 'Saving tips' section some simple tips to save, on which household appliances you should act, and why
★ Includes a small calculator to find out if it is worth replacing a conventional light bulb with an LED one
★ Widget with current price and next cheapest hour
★ Section What time do I put it?. To save the most
★ If you change your contract, change very easily to your new prices
★ Alarms that can be programmed to 'Save on Light. Free market' let us know
Have you renewed your contract or have you switched to the free market and have not reduced the amount of your electricity bill? Remember that thanks to 'Ahorra en Luz. Mercado Libre' and with very little effort you can save on your next electricity bill. Information is power, don't get a surprise on your next bill.
simple4droid has no relationship or affiliation with Red Eléctrica de España or with any marketer, we limit ourselves to displaying the information for public use published daily by REE.
The source of said information is:
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