SIMPLEJE™ a pioneer app, the first of its kind. We call it worlds first journal entry learning & reference tool. It teaches end to end journal entries, basics to advanced, using super easy intuitive user interface.
In an accounting & finance career journal entries are by far one of the most important skills to master. Without proper journal entries, financial statements of companies would be inaccurate and a complete mess. Even small businesses need to maintain general ledger accounts and prepare balance sheet and other financial statements. All this possible because of journal entries, which records data in a correct and systematic manner.
In every journal entry that is recorded, the debits and credits must be equal to ensure that the accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders’ Equity) remains in balance. When doing journal entries, we must always consider four factors:
1. Which accounts are affected by the transaction
2. For each account, determine if it is increased or decreased
3. For each account, determine how much it is changed
4. Record the journal entry using accounting equation rule.
So if we can make above four steps easier for accounting students, we will help them to save immense time and effort.
How SIMPLEJE can help to simply the process of preparing a journal entry.
1. Accounts for transactions will be automatically identified. Further, each account is described adequately for students’ understanding.
2. Students need to select the category under which account belongs. There are only 5 categories- asset, liability, equity, income and expense based on accounting equation. Once the category is selected- Debit and credit along with increase & decrease symbols will be automatically displayed for that category. Students just need to see if the account is increased or decreased, and they can see instantly whether it should be a debit or credit.
3. The amount involved for each account is automatically identified.
4. Once everything is selected correctly, students can click on create JE and journal entry will be displayed.
They will be guided in each step. They will know if the choice they are making while creating journal entry is right or wrong. Instant feedback is provided so that students can correct the mistakes and learn quickly for their mistakes.
Additional features of SIMPLEJE
1. Students can search any journal entry they need. There are over a 500 journal entries and growing, which makes it world largest journal entry database.
2. Students can bookmark any transactions for future reference
3. There are around 20 sections covering all the major areas of accounting. So they can practice and become proficient in many areas of Accounting.
Technical Features of SIMPLEJE:
• User-friendly & intuitive interface
• Visual learning
• High quality user interface
• Interactive self learning
• Complex Debit credit rules simplified
Sections covered in SIMPLEJE: journal entries are spread over around 12 sections and many subsections.
1. Cash & bank
2. Accounts receivable
3. Accounts payable
4. Current liabilities
5. Intangible assets
6. Fixed assets
7. Revenue
8. Debentures
9. Equity
10. Inventories
11. Adjustment entries
12. Tax
Below sections will be added soon
13. Change in policies
14. Partnership
15. Business combinations
16. Branch and HO accounting
Today’s commerce students are future CFOs, Entrepreneurs, business consultants, policy makers who will change the world for better and make an impact on society. Our aim is to help millions of commerce students by providing them with innovative tools which can make their learning process easy, effective and fun. SIMPLEJE is a small effort towards that.
Please share this tool among friends and colleagues. Share your feedback to us by reviews- we will keep on making is better. We wish you a great accounting career ahead.
In an accounting & finance career journal entries are by far one of the most important skills to master. Without proper journal entries, financial statements of companies would be inaccurate and a complete mess. Even small businesses need to maintain general ledger accounts and prepare balance sheet and other financial statements. All this possible because of journal entries, which records data in a correct and systematic manner.
In every journal entry that is recorded, the debits and credits must be equal to ensure that the accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders’ Equity) remains in balance. When doing journal entries, we must always consider four factors:
1. Which accounts are affected by the transaction
2. For each account, determine if it is increased or decreased
3. For each account, determine how much it is changed
4. Record the journal entry using accounting equation rule.
So if we can make above four steps easier for accounting students, we will help them to save immense time and effort.
How SIMPLEJE can help to simply the process of preparing a journal entry.
1. Accounts for transactions will be automatically identified. Further, each account is described adequately for students’ understanding.
2. Students need to select the category under which account belongs. There are only 5 categories- asset, liability, equity, income and expense based on accounting equation. Once the category is selected- Debit and credit along with increase & decrease symbols will be automatically displayed for that category. Students just need to see if the account is increased or decreased, and they can see instantly whether it should be a debit or credit.
3. The amount involved for each account is automatically identified.
4. Once everything is selected correctly, students can click on create JE and journal entry will be displayed.
They will be guided in each step. They will know if the choice they are making while creating journal entry is right or wrong. Instant feedback is provided so that students can correct the mistakes and learn quickly for their mistakes.
Additional features of SIMPLEJE
1. Students can search any journal entry they need. There are over a 500 journal entries and growing, which makes it world largest journal entry database.
2. Students can bookmark any transactions for future reference
3. There are around 20 sections covering all the major areas of accounting. So they can practice and become proficient in many areas of Accounting.
Technical Features of SIMPLEJE:
• User-friendly & intuitive interface
• Visual learning
• High quality user interface
• Interactive self learning
• Complex Debit credit rules simplified
Sections covered in SIMPLEJE: journal entries are spread over around 12 sections and many subsections.
1. Cash & bank
2. Accounts receivable
3. Accounts payable
4. Current liabilities
5. Intangible assets
6. Fixed assets
7. Revenue
8. Debentures
9. Equity
10. Inventories
11. Adjustment entries
12. Tax
Below sections will be added soon
13. Change in policies
14. Partnership
15. Business combinations
16. Branch and HO accounting
Today’s commerce students are future CFOs, Entrepreneurs, business consultants, policy makers who will change the world for better and make an impact on society. Our aim is to help millions of commerce students by providing them with innovative tools which can make their learning process easy, effective and fun. SIMPLEJE is a small effort towards that.
Please share this tool among friends and colleagues. Share your feedback to us by reviews- we will keep on making is better. We wish you a great accounting career ahead.
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