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SIM RIO 2023

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About SIM RIO 2023

Dr. Maria Julia Gregorio Calas
President of SIM RIO 2023
President of SBM Regional RJ

Launched in 2011 under the management of Dr. Afrânio Coelho, in which I was the first
secretary, our International Symposium on Mastology – SIM RIO
established itself as the main Mastology event in Rio de Janeiro and one of the main ones in the country.

For more than a decade it has been part of the official calendar of
city ​​events and now, in 2023, with the pandemic duly
controlled, its 12th edition will be 100% presential, with a schedule

As president of the 2023/2025 triennium, I feel very honored to be at the
at the head of this organization, aware of the challenge ahead of us. However, in addition to having the entire board, we have a team
undoubtedly competent in the organizing committee of the event.

In this edition, the program includes the most up-to-date strategies for increasingly personalized screening and improvements for the early detection of breast cancer. We will have access to new forms of treatment for initial and metastatic disease, among other current topics that will be exposed in lectures, symposiums and round tables with renowned national and international speakers.

Structured in a very careful way, the programmatic content of the event prioritizes the importance of the multidisciplinary team in the treatment process, as well as the understanding of the multiple possibilities of approaches, fundamental for the success of the patient.

For the first time we will have a pre-congress course on Oncoplástica
(with limited spaces), which takes place on the 21st under the coordination of colleagues Dr. Domingo Garcia and Dr. Julia Dias, both from the current board of SBM Rio.

Another novelty is the Intra-Congress Course dedicated to physiotherapy in breast cancer, coordinated by Dr. Anke Bergman and with interactive tables and clinical cases.

For the first time, Sim Rio brings a differentiated dynamic, with the
participation of a legal bank, specialized in civil liability
doctor. A lecture that will bring a real situation for reflection and "judgment" in which the participants will have the possibility to give their opinion and "decide" on the case.

Finally, we will still have the delivery of prizes for the best posters and the
Marconi Luna award for professionals who make a difference in the lives of
so many people, whether patients or professionals.

Our expectation is to receive an audience of more than 500 specialists
in Mastology, Oncology, Radiology, Radiotherapy, Genetics and Pathology,
Plastic Surgery, Endocrinology, Gynecology, Nutritionists, Psychologists,
Physiotherapists, Technicians and Technologists, among others.

Registration is now open and we are waiting for you!

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