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Sınav Asistanı(LGS)

10,000+ downloads

About Sınav Asistanı(LGS)


When the application is first opened, we see the login screen and start using the application with the email/password combination. If we have not registered for the application before on this login screen, we can create our profile by clicking on one of the "Student" and "Training Coach" options that will appear with the "Register" button.

After successfully entering the application, we will see the home page of the application.

First, the name of the high school we want to settle in, the score we aim for in LGS, etc., which will be under the heading "Target". we will encounter a 32-character field where we can write our goals. We can also call this section the "Target" section, but also think of it as the "motivation area".
Secondly, on the main page there will be a section with the heading "My Tasks". Here we will see a page titled "To Do" where we will manage our tasks with the arrow on the right and we will be able to perform operations such as creating a new task, deleting an existing task. The added tasks will be listed under the "My Tasks" heading on the main page.

The third section will appear with the title "Share the Problem". Again with the arrow on the right, the page titled "Question Sharing Platform" will open and we will encounter questions sent to the platform by other users. Buttons to answer these questions will also be found on this page. Also on this page we will have a chance to post a photo of the problem we want to the platform and help other users.

The fourth section, titled "Countdown", shows how many days are left for the Middle School to High School Entrance Examination and the percentage of progress.
The fifth and final section, "Progress", is a graphical section that is directly linked to the "Subject Tracking" heading, one of the most important menus of the Exam Assistant (LGS) application. Here's a graph showing how far you've come in LGS topics.