Sinewy Technologies Ltd
100+ downloads


OFFTRACK Application offers an easy way to keep track of your tithe givings, and freewill offerings which are categorized into partnership seeds, first-fruit offerings, pledges etc.

You can also track your receiving’s to see how you are progressing financially. Also the pledge includes notification which serves as a remainder.

There is also a user friendly interface which even a novice can navigate his / her way through.
The backup functionality will back up the data to your SD card and the restore functionality will restore all records from the SD card into the application in case of change of phone.

Have questions or feedback on the OFFTRACK App? E-mail us at We are always looking for suggestions on how to provide the best experience possible for you.

1. It helps you to be detailed and keep track of your givings.
2. It helps you to monitor the level of blessings you are walking in.
3. It gives you an account of what you have put into the kingdom for the work of the ministry.
4. It helps you to know your level of commitment to the work of the ministry.
5. It helps you to know your level in terms of financial givings and to know how responsible you are towards financial projects in the house of God.
6. It helps you to ascertain and appreciate what you have given to the Lord and his work over a period of time.
7. Also to reappraise yourself and to challenge your faith in giving your best to establish a new and higher level in your giving.

Thank you.

OFFTRACK Screenshots