Piano is an instrument that key. When pressed, owned through a complex mechanism hammer hitting the strings sounding keyboard instruments.
Construction of the wall with the format (console) and comets (lounge / concert / grand) are called varieties. Piano Italian word "light and strong voice harpsichord (harpsichord) - gravicembalo col piano e forte" comes from. This is also referred to as the pianoforte. Ancestors, the most important difference from the harpsichord, according to the force applied while pressing in the same direction of the intensity of the sound is variable. A person who plays the piano called a pianist or piano artist.
The first key LA-0, including the last key Door-8 consists of a total of 88 keys.
Piano is an instrument that key. When pressed, owned through a complex mechanism hammer hitting the strings sounding keyboard instruments.
Construction of the wall with the format (console) and comets (lounge / concert / grand) are called varieties. Piano Italian word "light and strong voice harpsichord (harpsichord) - gravicembalo col piano e forte" comes from. This is also referred to as the pianoforte. Ancestors, the most important difference from the harpsichord, according to the force applied while pressing in the same direction of the intensity of the sound is variable. A person who plays the piano called a pianist or piano artist.
The first key LA-0, including the last key Door-8 consists of a total of 88 keys.
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