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SIVO Synchronicity Journal

SIVO Synchronicity
4.6 out of 5
5,000+ downloads

About SIVO Synchronicity Journal

SIVO wants to introduce a way of journaling based on following concepts:

A concept first introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.
-Richard Tarnas

It is understood that intuition is one of the deepest functions of the human mind. It is a means of perceiving reality directly, not by means of logic or reasoning. This occurs or is experienced when the personality is well-integrated.
-Akihisa Kondo

Be it the act or power of imagination or something seen in a dream, trance or ecstasy.
-Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life.
-Marcus Aurelius

At the same time SIVO reminds you to practice daily, now widely accepted, concepts of Gratitude and Manifestation.

SIVO Synchronicity Journal APP FEATURES:

* Make an entry, choose from the SIVO concept mentioned above,
- add tags, add some photos and even location.
- View and edit all seamlessly.

* Tags should be used in every entry so you can track what’s most important to you.
- What ideas, words and symbols your thoughts carry,
- which ones are recurring and how often.

* You can see all tags and their conjunctions under Tags.

* Scroll through all entries made throughout the day and add new ones easily.
- View all photos of the day by long pressing on thumbnails.
- Edit, delete or copy entries directly from main screen by long pressing on SIVO eye icons.

* Swipe left or right to move between days,
- see all days of the week you’ve made entries on, conveniently, at the top.

* Use calendar view to see a particular day,
- to quickly jump to any day, month or year
- or simply to make sure your journaling is on track.

* Search all entries by scrolling your timeline, or by typing in search bar.
- Sort through them using Filters.

* See, save and add daily quotes that may resonate with you.
- Comment on how they specifically relate to you that day by long pressing on them.

* See all quotes, days you saved them on and comments you’ve made listed under Quotes.

* In-depth Statistics show you your: longest streak, days with highest number of entries,
- average number of entries per day, most used type of entry, breakdown of used types in percentages,
- detailed charts, and other interesting data bits.

* Be reminded of past entries, and sync them to present whenever you feel like they correspond.
- See all previous occasions you felt the same by tapping on synced on days.

* Allow notifications to remind you of your past entries, and to practice Gratitude and Manifestation daily.

* Beautifully designed Light and Dark themes for you to choose from based on personal preference,
- made easy to switch between them quickly depending on lighting conditions and time of the day.

* Credentials protection keeps all your journal entries private:
- with a secure pin, password, pattern or biometric protection.
- Safe and stored only on your phone.

If you have any questions or want to help us improve SIVO please contact us via email

SIVO Synchronicity Journal Screenshots