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SmartWay Smartiago

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About SmartWay Smartiago

The city council of Santiago de Compostela wants to transform itself into a Smart City that is committed to sustainability, efficiency and connectivity. One of its great challenges is to reconcile mobility and sustainable transport. The key to achieving alternative mobility lies in technology and the commitment of the population.
To meet this challenge, within the framework of the development of a Living Lab for the design of new strategies that promote more sustainable mobility, we launched SmartWay Smartiago, an interactive application that rewards citizens who join sustainable mobility in the Galician capital , with the collaboration of Uninova, a society for the promotion of innovative business initiatives.
How does SmartWay Smartiago work?
• Users make routes through Santiago de Compostela.
• They get points for completed routes, the more sustainable the means used, the more points they earn.
• Users can exchange points for products and services in the Smartket.
Thanks to the collaboration of institutions, associated entities and companies supporting sustainable urban mobility in the Santiago de Compostela council, we are building a Smarket with numerous rewards for application users, with the aim of reducing journeys with polluting vehicles in the center and old town.
The Smartiago project is developed thanks to a collaboration agreement of the FID Line (Promotion of Innovation from Demand) between the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the City Council of Santiago de Compostela and is financed 80% by the European Development Fund Regional (ERDF) within the framework of the Pluriregional Operational Program of Spain (POPE) 2014-2020. It is also co-financed 10% by the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN).

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