霸王之野望(戰國霸王戰記) icon


6waves Mobile Limited
10,000+ downloads

About 霸王之野望(戰國霸王戰記)

The orthodox strategy mobile game "Overlord of the Overlord", strictly supervised by the Japanese team, presents the most realistic scene of the Warring States, allowing players to enter the historical battles through time and space, and experience the absolutely shocking presence. The main game of the game is to use the military commander to dispatch, build the city and use the plan to build their own kingship and rewrite the history of the Warring States.

The ultimate style! Overwhelming presence!
Careful study of Japanese historical facts, highly restored the history of the Japanese Warring States, the creation of the history of the Japanese Warring States mobile game, the highest peak of the role of art creation, breaking through the limits of mobile game screen, leading players to experience the epic scene of the Warring States period.

Planning and training! Super-genuine strategic gameplay!
Overlord is born in the Quartet. Intelligence and strategy allow players to play in their fingers. It is like "the wind is like the wind, its Xu Rulin, the invasion is like a fire, and it doesn't move like a mountain." You can control and experience the fun of the vertical field.

Rich countries and strong soldiers! The hottest real-time national war!
The Alliance team fights ceaselessly, and in the troubled times, the network of the Magi, whether it is the "Day 6 Devil" Oda Tianxin or "Military God" Uesugi Kenshin, let you dispatch. By controlling the stable backing of resources, the city is constantly expanding in the game, with the absolute goal of uniting the Warring States.

Gorgeous lineup! All aspects of the game experience!
Inviting Japan's well-known seiyuu, combined with the role of Live2D dynamic picture, perfection of the history of the famous charm, feel the prestige of the real Warring States military commander, giving players visual and auditory enjoyment.

霸王之野望(戰國霸王戰記) Screenshots