Release the free app Quiz "RUSSIAN POETS" timed to the Year of Literature in Russia.
Quiz is available in Russian.
What poets do you know Russian? What poem since high school, remember? You can determine the authorship of several well-known lines? You will enjoy the fascinating world of poetry! Select the level of the school or complicate his task, and select complete list (for experts). Each variant of the 20 questions generated randomly (out of a total base of 215 verses), so every time you find something new!
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The application is recommended for persons older than 12 years.
Quiz is available in Russian.
What poets do you know Russian? What poem since high school, remember? You can determine the authorship of several well-known lines? You will enjoy the fascinating world of poetry! Select the level of the school or complicate his task, and select complete list (for experts). Each variant of the 20 questions generated randomly (out of a total base of 215 verses), so every time you find something new!
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The application is recommended for persons older than 12 years.
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