Appendix The bookstore consists of two parts: a free library of Ukrainian classical literature, which includes over 2200 works, and a store for contemporary Ukrainian books, magazines and audiobooks.
The collection of classical literature covers almost all genres: fiction, journalism, memoirs, fairy tales, tales, stories, etc.
Now you do not need to look for books on the Internet: by installing this program, you will always have at hand a huge collection of works by the best Ukrainian writers. Certainly, in the list of 100 authors you will find Shevchenko, Voronoi, Skovoroda, Lesya Ukrainka, Franko, Kobylyansky and many others.
The collection of classical literature covers almost all genres: fiction, journalism, memoirs, fairy tales, tales, stories, etc.
Now you do not need to look for books on the Internet: by installing this program, you will always have at hand a huge collection of works by the best Ukrainian writers. Certainly, in the list of 100 authors you will find Shevchenko, Voronoi, Skovoroda, Lesya Ukrainka, Franko, Kobylyansky and many others.
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