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Nilabh Nayan Borthakur
100+ downloads

About SkyMeet

SkyMeet is a free & Open Source Video/Audio Conferencing Application available on Android OS.

What SkyMeet offers?

• Unlimited users (from v1.2.4): There are no artificial restrictions on the number of users or conference participants. Server power and bandwidth are the only limiting factors (till 100 users it will work fine, above 100 you may find some issue).
• Lock-protected rooms: Control the access to your conferences with a password or enable lobby for few members meeting.
• Encryption: Meeting Rooms are fully encrypted by default.
• High Quality: Audio and video are delivered with the clarity and richness of Opus and VP8.
• 100% open source: Developed By Er. Nilabh Nayan Borthakur & Jitsi Developers (Check below for Source Code).
• Screen sharing option is available
• Breakout Rooms are available
• Chat & Polls are available

SkyMeet Conference Overview:

SkyMeet uses Google Firebase for User-ID authentication and Firestore as a Database for storing User's data (Name and Email currently) without compromising security protocols and the integration of video conferencing room is based upon the Open Source Jitsi Multiplatform. Although we have provided a Guest Mode, where no user's data is required.

SkyMeet will easily handle 30 to 35 participants without any glitch, however it's maximum participants in one room is theoretically unlimited, 100 should be fine(not tested yet). SkyMeet offers multiple features like chat and poll section, screen sharing, attending meeting in low bandwidth, stream video and many more. Meeting Room is fully encrypted and completely secure along with other customizable security features.

Development of SkyMeet started as an Experimental Project solely initiated by Er. Nilabh Nayan Borthakur, who's an alumni of Jorhat Institute of Science & Technology and currently working at TCS.

We are planning to introduce more features in the coming days.

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