A simple app to know the details of Sunrise and sunset timing of your current location city or search any city name to know sunrise and sunset timing of that particular city. Also get other details like blue hour. golden hour time etc,.
App Features:
- Get your current location.
- Display current city sunrise & sunset time along with twilight time and details like astronomical, civil, nautical,blue hour and golden hour sunrise sunset time.
- Set notification for sunrise/sunset time and also have option to set different timing for notifications.
- Add before or after time current sunrise/sunset time to set notification.
- Shows the current time of displayed city.
- View Calendar:
1) Year wise - Get 1 year data of sunrise and sunset timings.
2) Month - View current 1 month data and display.
3) Week - Also view current week data and display.
- Today : Go to today's date from any other date at any time.
- Add Location: Search any city to view it's sunrise and sunset timings.
2] Add Location
- Search new cities and view them in list.
- Get searched city Sunrise, sunset data of that city.
- Delete single and multiple city from list from your city list.
3]General setting
- Snooze Alarm : Add snooze minutes to your notification alarm for sunrise & sunset notification.
- Silence Alarm : Auto mute alarm after specific time.
- Alarm vibration : Set phone to vibrate for notification alarm.
2)Adjust Date and Time :
- 24 hours time : Set 24 hour timing or 12 hour timing for displaying sunrise and sunset time.
- Date format : 5 different types of date format for displaying dates.
- Speak notification : Choose to readout the notification aloud for you.
-- Adjust app theme in dark/light mode according to sunrise/sunset timing of the selected city.
Location : to get the current location and display city data.
App Features:
- Get your current location.
- Display current city sunrise & sunset time along with twilight time and details like astronomical, civil, nautical,blue hour and golden hour sunrise sunset time.
- Set notification for sunrise/sunset time and also have option to set different timing for notifications.
- Add before or after time current sunrise/sunset time to set notification.
- Shows the current time of displayed city.
- View Calendar:
1) Year wise - Get 1 year data of sunrise and sunset timings.
2) Month - View current 1 month data and display.
3) Week - Also view current week data and display.
- Today : Go to today's date from any other date at any time.
- Add Location: Search any city to view it's sunrise and sunset timings.
2] Add Location
- Search new cities and view them in list.
- Get searched city Sunrise, sunset data of that city.
- Delete single and multiple city from list from your city list.
3]General setting
- Snooze Alarm : Add snooze minutes to your notification alarm for sunrise & sunset notification.
- Silence Alarm : Auto mute alarm after specific time.
- Alarm vibration : Set phone to vibrate for notification alarm.
2)Adjust Date and Time :
- 24 hours time : Set 24 hour timing or 12 hour timing for displaying sunrise and sunset time.
- Date format : 5 different types of date format for displaying dates.
- Speak notification : Choose to readout the notification aloud for you.
-- Adjust app theme in dark/light mode according to sunrise/sunset timing of the selected city.
Location : to get the current location and display city data.
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