This contains at least 44 study notes quiz sets & covers the following chapters:
- Introduction To Nursing
- Fundamentals of Nursing
- Nursing Anatomy & Physiology
- Nursing Process
- Nursing Assessment
- Nursing Communication
- Nursing Vital Signs
- Nursing Pathophysiology
- Nursing Pathology
- Pediatric Nursing
- OB Nursing
- Surgical Nursing
- Gerontological Nursing
- Renal Nursing
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
- Nursing Leadership
- Nursing Nutrition
- Medical Math
- Pharmacology
- Legal & Ethics
- Nursing Terminology
- Lab Values
Main Features:
- Works perfectly Offline, you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere.
- Five study Modes (learning mode, handout mode, test mode, slideshow mode and random mode).
- Text to Speech (Listen to the flashcards while you are ridding, jogging or driving).
- Sort your flashcards by topic.
- Search flashcards by key words.
- Select your favorite flashcards & Flag for review the most difficult.
- Add & save your own flashcards.
- Edit & replace existing flashcards.
- Add your comment to any flashcard keep seeing them with.
- Get back to your last study session, exactly to the last flashcard studied including the study mode.
- Full dashboard to monitor your progress.
- In-depth statistics of your performance that shows your strongest & weakest areas.
- Share your best study notes.
- Exam taking tips & tricks.
Sure, You will be amazed by the number of facilities that we added to this App.
This app is suitable for students, researchers, resident, doctors, Anatomy & physiology specialists, nurses & medical professionals & of course Medical lecturers, teachers & professors.
Invest in your Success Now. Your investment in knowledge, professionalism & expertise is durable & with a High value added. It's a High return investment.
Disclaimer 1:
This application is not dedicated for a specific professional certification, it's just a tool to assist students & professionals to expand their knowledge & in-depth their expertise.
Disclaimer 2:
The publisher of this app is not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization. All organizational and test names are trademarks of their respective owners.
- Introduction To Nursing
- Fundamentals of Nursing
- Nursing Anatomy & Physiology
- Nursing Process
- Nursing Assessment
- Nursing Communication
- Nursing Vital Signs
- Nursing Pathophysiology
- Nursing Pathology
- Pediatric Nursing
- OB Nursing
- Surgical Nursing
- Gerontological Nursing
- Renal Nursing
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
- Nursing Leadership
- Nursing Nutrition
- Medical Math
- Pharmacology
- Legal & Ethics
- Nursing Terminology
- Lab Values
Main Features:
- Works perfectly Offline, you can learn on the Go, Anytime & Everywhere.
- Five study Modes (learning mode, handout mode, test mode, slideshow mode and random mode).
- Text to Speech (Listen to the flashcards while you are ridding, jogging or driving).
- Sort your flashcards by topic.
- Search flashcards by key words.
- Select your favorite flashcards & Flag for review the most difficult.
- Add & save your own flashcards.
- Edit & replace existing flashcards.
- Add your comment to any flashcard keep seeing them with.
- Get back to your last study session, exactly to the last flashcard studied including the study mode.
- Full dashboard to monitor your progress.
- In-depth statistics of your performance that shows your strongest & weakest areas.
- Share your best study notes.
- Exam taking tips & tricks.
Sure, You will be amazed by the number of facilities that we added to this App.
This app is suitable for students, researchers, resident, doctors, Anatomy & physiology specialists, nurses & medical professionals & of course Medical lecturers, teachers & professors.
Invest in your Success Now. Your investment in knowledge, professionalism & expertise is durable & with a High value added. It's a High return investment.
Disclaimer 1:
This application is not dedicated for a specific professional certification, it's just a tool to assist students & professionals to expand their knowledge & in-depth their expertise.
Disclaimer 2:
The publisher of this app is not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization. All organizational and test names are trademarks of their respective owners.
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