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Smart Guard Plus

Desarrollos Técnicos
3.9 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Smart Guard Plus

Smart Guard Plus is the anti-spam protection tool that allows you to identify whether the websites you are on are safe or not.
It also blocks malicious notifications that try to access your data, your cards or use fake news to trick you.

To protect you we use the VPNService. This local VPN service never connects to external servers, so your data will always be protected and inaccessible even to us. The objective of this vpn is to reduce latency and that our application can detect fraudulent websites. You can deactivate it at any time. But it is the only way we have so that your navigation is without having to send data to external servers.

Smart Guard Plus is compatible with all Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc. browsers and allows you to browse safely through different websites as it protects you from misleading notifications, phishing and fraudulent services in the easiest way.

What can Smart Guard Plus do?

Protects you from scams

We will warn you as soon as you enter a dangerous link that has been sent to you by email, whatsapp, sms, facebook or any other system. This way you can avoid dangerous websites so that you have a safe browsing experience.

You will be protected against phishing, scam or any other fraudulent website.

Delete Spam Notifications

You will also be protected against spam notifications that want to trick you and steal your data. When you receive them, our system will block them so that they don't bother you.

Thanks to Smart Guard Plus you will have a safer internet.

Detection of applications with dangerous permissions

Our permissions detection system will inform you of those applications that have high permissions so that you have control, and decide what to do with them.

Smart Guard Plus Screenshots