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Senpex Courier

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About Senpex Courier

If you are looking for an opportunity to earn high commissions, and work around your personal schedule, BECOME A SENPEX COURIER! As a Senpex courier, you are in charge of your schedule. Work when you want and where you want; you can work as little or as much as you want to meet your busy personal schedule.
Senpex uses the most advanced and dynamic software to enable our couriers to make their deliveries with the utmost efficiency enabling them to maximize their income in a minimal amount of time. Senpex’s app is designed to make your work as one of our couriers easy and with minimal effort with personalized dashboards and monitor your commissions in real-time.
Senpex couriers receive between 85-90% of the fee paid as commission + 100% of tips provided by our clients. Senpex pays its commissions on a weekly basis so you can start earning money quickly and with ease.
Download our app and create your personal account to become part of our elite fleet of couriers and starting earning $$$.

Through our app and portal customers can order delivery service anytime, choose package size they need and track their packages through our routing system.
Are you suffering from paying double the normal price for overnight deliveries and you never get the same-day or after business hours’ delivery?
Senpex offers a superior solution that uses a smarter routing system, easier-to-use user interfaces, and better service options to enable instant, convenient and reliable shipping without having to step out of the house or office.
Our vision is to become the advanced and distinguished on-demand delivery courier. We aim to solve the timing and expediency pangs of deliveries in an everchanging world where rapid, same-day delivery is now the norm.

Features Include:
• Order any time: on working hours, nights, weekends and holidays
• Upfront Pricing: Get pricing before you order
• Orders are picked up from your location - without having to step out of the house or office.
• Flexible Scheduling: On-demand or pre-scheduled
• Real-Time Tracking & Notifications: Follow your packages via live-map and get notifications.
• Security & Reliability: Comprehensive courier background check.
Senpex is the fastest same-day delivery, most convenient, safest, easiest to use and most affordable modern method of courier delivery service.
Service coverage: We are serving only in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA.
Note: We track the location of the app user in the background, who logs in as a courier. This is done to broadcast the real-time locations of the package to the package owner.

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