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About Radiosoundings

Radiosoundings is the first app that shows the soundings released from all the stations in the world in a format similar to the one used in the NOAA agency of the United States.

It lets you configure notifications to know when a new sounding is available. It also allows to notify soundings with some type of watch or instability associated.

Common watches that may be associated with a sounding are:

- MRGL SVR: Marginal risk of severe storms (hail, heavy rains or severe wind)
- SVR: Risk of severe storms (hail, heavy rains or severe wind)
- MRGL TOR: Marginal risk of tornadoes (category EF2 or above)
- TOR: Tornado risk (category EF2 or higher)
- SPP TOR: Particularly Dangerous Situation of tornadoes (potentially destructive)
- INUND REP: Risk of flash floods

Other watches published by the sounding:

- EXC HEAT: Excessive heat risk due to high temperature and humidity
- FIRE: Fire hazard due to low humidity and strong wind
- SNOW: Snow Storm Risk

All stations in the world that include their radiosonde in the Wyoming Weather Web viewing tool are also included in this app.

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