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About 주소찾기

Road name address search and 5-digit postal code can be searched easily and quickly.

1. Postal Code Search and Address Conversion
2. Find address and street name address
3. Translate address and view map
4. Address Sharing Function
5. Address bookmark feature
6. Find a map address
7. One-touch address search and recent search history management through address search widget
8. Register delivery inquiry
9. External application connection support
    zippostweb: // search? query = "search name"-Search directly by search name.
    zippostweb: // home-Run Address Finder application.

You can also search by old postal code or 5-digit new postal code.

* When and where you can use the road name address converter and zip code searcher application.

[Required access]
-Location: Check your location on the map to see your address on the map

[Optional access rights]
- none