Round the clock and the most comprehensive salat time tables and notifications.
* Tahajjud, Sahur, Imsak, Syuruk, Fajr, Sunrise, Dhuha , Zuhr, Jummuah, Asr, Maghrib and Isya salat.
* Highly customisable to your liking: background images, ringtones, adzan, and sounds/audios.
* Auto silent ringer mode and manual silent mode.
* Sahur notifications integrated with a complete hijri calendar reference for sunat or compulsory fasting day.
* Nearby mosque/surau/musolla
* Location is auto-detect. Prayer times like Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei
are exactly matched with the approved times issued by local Islamic authorities.
* A new way of presenting or displaying salat times.
* tawaf direction analog clock
* Sun positions
* #Qibla direction with map assist
* #Quran with voice and multi-lingual translations
* Tahajjud, Sahur, Imsak, Syuruk, Fajr, Sunrise, Dhuha , Zuhr, Jummuah, Asr, Maghrib and Isya salat.
* Highly customisable to your liking: background images, ringtones, adzan, and sounds/audios.
* Auto silent ringer mode and manual silent mode.
* Sahur notifications integrated with a complete hijri calendar reference for sunat or compulsory fasting day.
* Nearby mosque/surau/musolla
* Location is auto-detect. Prayer times like Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei
are exactly matched with the approved times issued by local Islamic authorities.
* A new way of presenting or displaying salat times.
* tawaf direction analog clock
* Sun positions
* #Qibla direction with map assist
* #Quran with voice and multi-lingual translations
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