"Unity is strength", under the slogan met with a number of municipalities in the villages of Marjeyoun to create a union combines common objectives and unifying vision of the future toward the border villages which overlooked by government policy for decades, development, perhaps to compensate the private shall take some of this deprivation especially since these border villages located Permanent live in an area of instability.
Historically, poverty and persecution, the region has suffered due to repeated attacks from Israel's brutal occupation, which led to the depletion of human large, reflected negatively on the reality of the development area and the latest development process, and most of these towns recently from the Israeli occupation liberated in May 2000, where he began work After the establishment of the municipal municipalities officially ..
And some villages in the Union between eighty pockets of poverty identified by the Social Development Strategy in Lebanon in 2005, and is generally considered the villages of Union in fourth place in the bottom of the ladder is the Mapping of Living Conditions in Lebanon ..
Accordingly met all of Addaisseh, good, boat, Qabrikha, Tallusah, Adchit, the monastery into force, the Lord of thirty, Qantara, Majdal Silm and hula to form a "Union of Municipalities of Jabal Amel," which saw the light at 09/11/2006 under a presidential decree bears the number 18104 .
Union between 90 and 115 km away from the capital Beirut, and rises from the sea about 650 meters .... Agriculture is the most important sources of income for the villages of Union.
And a population of approximately 65 thousand people, the number of the population and is considered somewhat reflects the population decline and the development of the region development is low ..
Historically, poverty and persecution, the region has suffered due to repeated attacks from Israel's brutal occupation, which led to the depletion of human large, reflected negatively on the reality of the development area and the latest development process, and most of these towns recently from the Israeli occupation liberated in May 2000, where he began work After the establishment of the municipal municipalities officially ..
And some villages in the Union between eighty pockets of poverty identified by the Social Development Strategy in Lebanon in 2005, and is generally considered the villages of Union in fourth place in the bottom of the ladder is the Mapping of Living Conditions in Lebanon ..
Accordingly met all of Addaisseh, good, boat, Qabrikha, Tallusah, Adchit, the monastery into force, the Lord of thirty, Qantara, Majdal Silm and hula to form a "Union of Municipalities of Jabal Amel," which saw the light at 09/11/2006 under a presidential decree bears the number 18104 .
Union between 90 and 115 km away from the capital Beirut, and rises from the sea about 650 meters .... Agriculture is the most important sources of income for the villages of Union.
And a population of approximately 65 thousand people, the number of the population and is considered somewhat reflects the population decline and the development of the region development is low ..
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