This translation was made from the languages in which the biblical texts were originally written (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek). The NVI was produced with the following fundamental objectives:
Clarity - the text has been translated so that it can be read by the general population without major difficulties, but without being too informal. Archaisms, for example, were banished, and regionalisms avoided.
Fidelity - the translation must be faithful to the meaning intended by the original authors.
Beauty of style - the result should allow a pleasant reading, and a good sound when spoken in public.
Features or functionality:
1. Works without Internet
2. Send your Bible quotes by mail
3. Share on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other networks
4. Upload to your status WhatsApp and other networks that use states
5. You can select specific verses from each chapter. (They do not need to be followed nor the whole chapter)
6. Easy and quick to use
7. night mode
8. Easy Source Change
9. Search for appointments or keywords
10. Search results without advertising to share as an image or screenshot
11. Save Recent Search
12. Friendly browsing
13. Reference in page footer
14. Allow one or more verses to be shared across all social networks.
Clarity - the text has been translated so that it can be read by the general population without major difficulties, but without being too informal. Archaisms, for example, were banished, and regionalisms avoided.
Fidelity - the translation must be faithful to the meaning intended by the original authors.
Beauty of style - the result should allow a pleasant reading, and a good sound when spoken in public.
Features or functionality:
1. Works without Internet
2. Send your Bible quotes by mail
3. Share on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other networks
4. Upload to your status WhatsApp and other networks that use states
5. You can select specific verses from each chapter. (They do not need to be followed nor the whole chapter)
6. Easy and quick to use
7. night mode
8. Easy Source Change
9. Search for appointments or keywords
10. Search results without advertising to share as an image or screenshot
11. Save Recent Search
12. Friendly browsing
13. Reference in page footer
14. Allow one or more verses to be shared across all social networks.
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