V1Driver is designed to add intelligence to your Valentine One Radar Detector so you can enjoy your Drive.
V1Driver adds 3 forms of automatic muting (all selectable by Band):
1) By Speed (Savvy Emulation), if you are under the specified speed it will keep the Radar Detector muted.
2) By Time, it will AutoMute after a specified time.
3) By GPS Location, by long term tracking. This tracks hits of the same frequency in the same location spread over several days before considering it for lockout. If a signal later becomes absent it will remove the lock.
V1Driver takes the infamous V1 "Arrows" to a new level by displaying the bogeys on a 2 dimensional map. So you can track how close they are before waiting for the arrows to "flip" direction.
It has extensive audible options. Including Text-To-Speech of Band and Frequency. Audio can optionally use Hands Free Protocol [Future Release if Possible] (a phone call) on your car or motor cycle.
This app is compatible with devices that support Android 5.1 (Lollipop) or later that have a that include GPS. It will work in any orientation. An active cellular connection is not required. For viewing the map or backing up to the Cloud you will need a Data connection, but that is not required for day to day operation.
This application requires a Valentine One Radar Detector that is compatible with Valentine Research's Bluetooth LE Dongle or the Standard Dongle. You should have Valentine Research's V1Connection App (freely available in the App store) operational before purchasing V1Driver.
V1Driver will automatically connect to the Valentine One Bluetooth Dongle in the background. This feature of watching for the Bluetooth Dongle when away from your car does not use the GPS, uses very little battery and can be disabled if you wish.
There is no guarantee V1Driver won't lock out an undesired signal. But it should clean itself up over time if it does. v2
V1Driver adds 3 forms of automatic muting (all selectable by Band):
1) By Speed (Savvy Emulation), if you are under the specified speed it will keep the Radar Detector muted.
2) By Time, it will AutoMute after a specified time.
3) By GPS Location, by long term tracking. This tracks hits of the same frequency in the same location spread over several days before considering it for lockout. If a signal later becomes absent it will remove the lock.
V1Driver takes the infamous V1 "Arrows" to a new level by displaying the bogeys on a 2 dimensional map. So you can track how close they are before waiting for the arrows to "flip" direction.
It has extensive audible options. Including Text-To-Speech of Band and Frequency. Audio can optionally use Hands Free Protocol [Future Release if Possible] (a phone call) on your car or motor cycle.
This app is compatible with devices that support Android 5.1 (Lollipop) or later that have a that include GPS. It will work in any orientation. An active cellular connection is not required. For viewing the map or backing up to the Cloud you will need a Data connection, but that is not required for day to day operation.
This application requires a Valentine One Radar Detector that is compatible with Valentine Research's Bluetooth LE Dongle or the Standard Dongle. You should have Valentine Research's V1Connection App (freely available in the App store) operational before purchasing V1Driver.
V1Driver will automatically connect to the Valentine One Bluetooth Dongle in the background. This feature of watching for the Bluetooth Dongle when away from your car does not use the GPS, uses very little battery and can be disabled if you wish.
There is no guarantee V1Driver won't lock out an undesired signal. But it should clean itself up over time if it does. v2
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