DSETracker allows users to get real time price of stock/shares from Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). Users can also maintain their Stock Portfolio in DSETracker. Press the Refresh button any time to get the latest price from DSE server and recalculate portfolio total value, loss/gain etc.
Some features of DSETracker -
A. INDEX: When user runs DSETracker, latest stock quotes from DSE server is shown in this tab. Pressing the Refresh button retrieves latest price. Swipe a stock right to get the 'Favourites' button, pressing that would add the index to WATCH LIST.
B. WATCH LIST: Shows the user selected indices to monitor. User can remove any index from WATCH LIST from the list by toggling the Favourites button.
C. PORTFOLIO: Users can manage their DSE portfolio here. The app currently allows multiple portfolio to be managed. Pressing '+' button from INDEX page or WATCH LIST page - user can add any index in the portfolio. Refresh button will recalculate portfolio current value & gain/loss.
Some features of DSETracker -
A. INDEX: When user runs DSETracker, latest stock quotes from DSE server is shown in this tab. Pressing the Refresh button retrieves latest price. Swipe a stock right to get the 'Favourites' button, pressing that would add the index to WATCH LIST.
B. WATCH LIST: Shows the user selected indices to monitor. User can remove any index from WATCH LIST from the list by toggling the Favourites button.
C. PORTFOLIO: Users can manage their DSE portfolio here. The app currently allows multiple portfolio to be managed. Pressing '+' button from INDEX page or WATCH LIST page - user can add any index in the portfolio. Refresh button will recalculate portfolio current value & gain/loss.
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