주기도문365 - 가톨릭 천주교 사도신경 기도문 icon

주기도문365 - 가톨릭 천주교 사도신경 기도문

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About 주기도문365 - 가톨릭 천주교 사도신경 기도문

Be filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Lord's Prayer 365 app allows you to live a peaceful life in the Lord every day.

This is a prayer app for Catholics in Korea.

Always together forever like the beginning

Recalling God's Word

Blessings are in the life of a Catholic who lives a life of joy and joy.

We wish to be together.

Since the Lord's Prayer 365 contains the following prayers,

It is useful not only for beginners but also for those with deep faith.

* Lord's Prayer 365

-Sung Ho-kyung
-Lord's prayer
-Mary's Song
-Glory Song
- Apostle Creed
-Prayer for reflection
-Ten Commandments
-Confession prayer
-Contrite prayer
-Dedication prayer
-Three kinds prayer
-Three kinds of prayer for resurrection
-Praying the Rosary
-Prayer before meal
-Prayer after meal
-Prayer at the beginning of work
-Prayer after work
-Morning prayer
-Evening prayer
-All Souls Prayer
-Allegory Seongwol
- the way of the Cross
-Prayer for adults
-103rd Korean adult title prayer
-St. Joseph's Holy Moon
-Title prayer of St. Joseph
-Prayer of the Virgin Mary
-Prayer of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
-The Rosary is also the holy month

May your life filled with the Holy Spirit be filled with eternal love.

God's grace be with you...


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